Half way along Albion Street is the remarkable Bishton and Fletcher building which typifies the enormous pride the Edwardian business people took in designing their work places in the crowded Jewellery Quarter.
These people cared. No Quantity Surveyors or value engineering for them and the better that these rational gentlemen did not go wild but ensured they would stand out from their competitors. They kept to the iconography that the Jewellery Quarter had evolved over the proceeding 100 years; a raised ground floor, classical modelling, generous windows, a cart way and two doors – one for staff and one for clients, a steeply pitched roof with a workshop beneath and a range of shopping to the rear.
The Jointworks has appointed PCPT and the development, which is assisted by a generous grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, will house a dynamic work place for young entrepreneurial businesses that will, I am sure, evolve into caring and proud businesses themselves.