PCPT Architects
Founded in 1959, few design businesses go to a second generation let alone a third, but for PCPT each decade has seen continuing success and awards. Our design process treats each project individually, understanding that every context has its own set of issues and outcomes.
We believe that architecture is as much about people as places. PCPT prides itself on a long standing dedication to communities and empowerment for communities to feel they have helped create their own place; true ‘bottom-up’ regeneration.
PCPT helped set up many of the specialist Housing Associations in the West Midlands and were a founder member of Pro-help and the winner of their ‘Power in Partnership Award’. Our Directors have gone on to help create the Jeweller Quarter Development Trust and the JQ Business Improvement District which is overseeing a transformation of the area.
PCPT have a strong affinity to the importance of craft skills particularly when applied to conservation techniques. We encourage excellent techniques in our projects and support and lecture on the Birmingham City University Conservation of the Historic Environment Course, as well as having links to Deltion College, Zwolle in the Netherlands with student exchanges.
Staff are affiliate members of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation, and registered Architects Accredited in Building Conservation and RIBA Conservation Architects.
Conservation Philosophy & Services
As a practice our conservation is based upon a rigorous research and exploratory work to inform the designs. The best principles of the repair and reinstatement of historic structures are adopted.
Preserving the past for the benefit of the future can be approached as either zealous or pragmatic and there are times when strong conservation practice is essential and others when a contextual or a contemporary approach is needed.
We combine award winning architecture with the full range of conservation skills and we are happy with most approaches that allow for individual expression and which add diversity and ‘richness’.